Intel 82845g/gl/ge/pe/gv Driver Download


Intel graphics driver for 845G based systems. Intel 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller. To ensure the integrity of your download. Intel r 82845g gl ge pe gv graphics controller free download. Intel r 82845g gl ge pe gv graphics controller free download. Panda Free Antivirus.

Supported Models


Supported Operating Systems

Windows Vista, Windows XP, Other

File Name

Intel_845_Chipset_Graphic_Driver_Win_7___Vista.7z (2.9 MB)

Versions (21-Jun-2005)

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Uploader Notes

Driver Works under Windows 7!

This is a custom written driver for

windows xp & vista. Tested ok on Win7RC1. Boot to safe mode. Uninstall the driver installed for the adapter. Boot into windows 7 and open device manager. Update the driver manually and restart. If it doesnt work redo everything once more.

Driver Source: Driver Pack Base.

I Have extracted the driver and 7zipped it to a small file. its original size is 14,5mb.

Uploaded By

DJ_Toast (DG Member) on 12-May-2009

Most Helpful Reviews

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
10 May 2012
(17 hours after download)

'I don't know with what words should I thank you. This worked like an ice on the cake. Thanks a lot for this wonderful stuff.'
14 of 17 people found the following review helpful:
9 Jun 2009
(23 minutes after download)

'Installs perfect and works perfect on Windows 7'
4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
3 Dec 2009
(41 minutes after download)

Hp Driver Download

Intel 82845g/gl/ge/pe/gv Driver Download

'It worked well. for windows 7 it's a bit slow and then your bios will reduce the capacity of your onboard video card. but you can at least do some important things.'
4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
22 May 2011
(2 days after download)

'Works beautifully with Windows Vista on a Dell Dimension. Installed it manually as directed. Thanks'
4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
4 Apr 2012
(30 minutes after download)

'install with no problems and started right after restart

I am very happy


1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

Intel 82845g/gl/ge/pe/gv Graphics Controller Driver Download

18 Sep 2014
(51 minutes after download)


Download Driver Vga Intel 82845g/gl/ge/pe/gv

'Worked perfectly, so far ;-). Resurrected my old Dell D2400 box to do some testing and needed a working OS. Everything was fine with Windows 7 except the display driver. Nothing on Dell would work, but this download worked fine. Thanks.'
15 Apr 2015
(5 days after download)

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'windows 7 32bit graphics driver'

Intel 82845g/gl/ge/pe/gv Driver Windows Xp

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