Download Db2 Driver For Squirrel


SQuirreL SQL is an open-source Java SQL Client program for any JDBC. DMOZ Java and. Download the file squirrel-sql--install.jar and execute it. Download the install JAR from. When you start up SQuirreL SQL Client, you'll see a Drivers window that. Name the alias 'DB2 Squirrel DB.

Active1 year, 5 months ago

How to configure SQuirreL for DB2 access.

In SQuirreL I do see two DB2 drivers. But they are both marked with an red X.

I checked with Start Page but did not find an easy solution :/

Thorsten NiehuesThorsten Niehues
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1 Answer

  1. Download the DB2 Driver from the IBM Website and extract the ZIP archive.
    Optionally you may want to copy it from the DB2 Server installation path:
  2. Use db2jcc4.jar and copy it into the squirrel folder e.g. plugins/db2
  3. In der Driver in the tab 'Extra Class Path' add the db2jcc4.jar file
  4. Change the class name to
jpiersonDownload Db2 Driver For Squirrel
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Thorsten NiehuesThorsten Niehues
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Active5 years, 1 month ago

I use the ancient System i Navigator (french) to get to query a DB2 (AS/400) database.

I liked to update the client and use a more fresh (and English) sql client for that database.

So, I installed the SQuirrel SQL client (3.5.0, the latest at day).

After the installation and launching, I discovered that the 'IBM DB2 App Driver' is not 'checked'.The message when I click on it says:

'Could not find class in neither the Java class path nor the Extra class path of the IBM DB2 App Driver driver definition: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:'

Db2 Driver Download

As I understood I need to copy a (universal?) JDBC driver in the SQuirrel 'lib' folder. How to get it?

I don't have any 'classpath' defined in the environmental variables (I am on Windows 7 x64). I am not a Java developer, so I am not sure if I need or not to configure that classpath to make work that sql client.

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2 Answers

if it's an AS400, then you should use JTOpen libraries to connect.

JT400 has the JARS you need to use. Note, the class name mentioned above is not the same as what is expected on the AS400....

I remember it being something like this.... you'll want to double check

if you start squirrel-sql on the commandline you can add this

Dhanish Jose

Squirrel Db2 Setup

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Paul BastidePaul Bastide

Db2 Driver For Squirrel

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Db2 Drivers For Windows

Download Db2 Driver For Squirrel

If want a really quick and easy 'command-line' JDBC client, you can use the one included in the JTOpen. I use it all the time so I don't have to open yet another window.

Here is an example.


Odbc Driver For Db2 Download

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