Warrior Kings Battles Crack Download


I think that Warrior Kings is a fantastic game, despite the many problems it has. You can choose either the Pagan(demon summoners), Imperial(the fairy tale 'good knight') and Renaissance(scientists with cool siege weapons). I chose the Renaissance path, since on the last level you get this really cool siege weapon called the Rocket Launcher!! You also get the Bombard, an early medievil cannon, the Gunner,a light infantry unit armed with a medievil rifle, and the trebuchet, a huge catapult. Oddly, you can only move the trebuchet on the last level. Set in a fantasy medievil realm, you must avenge your father and defeat Icthyus Granitas, the Patriarch of the Empire, based in Telamagna. The graphics are brilliant, and the sound effects are excellent. The only real problems are game crashes, but their is a patch to solve this, and the HUD. If you have units in a formation, you have no idea of the amount of unit you have in the formations! All in all, Warrior Kings is a good game, but I'm still waiting for some multiplayer players!

Warrior Kings Battles Tech Tree


Warrior Kings Battles Patch

Normally, steam automatically updates its games to the latest availale patch. However, for warrior kings battles, it seems that the game is only updated to the 1.1 patch. Jul 25, 2016  This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.